The hit Netflix show ‘Baby Reindeer’ graphically tells the story of one man’s experience of being stalked by a woman. The series ends with the alleged ‘stalker’ being convicted in court. While stalking can indeed amount to a criminal offence fortunately a victim does not have to wait until a lengthy and stressful criminal process is completed. A victim can obtain an urgent injunction to restrain the harassment followed if so desired with a civil claim for damages.
An injunction of the court in the harassment context is an order that the harasser does not do anything to cause the victim alarm or distress or come into contact with the victim in person, by phone or online eg via social media and in any other ways which have occurred in the past. It is a criminal offence to breach the terms of an injunction, and the perpetrator can be imprisoned, fined or their have their assets seized. An injunction is a discretionary remedy and a court will want to be persuaded that the injunction is needed imminently. A reality of that approach is that the victim should act promptly in applying. This itself underlines the urgency of the situation. We can usually obtain urgent appointments with the court within days of being instructed. The application must be supported by a witness statement with such evidence of the harassment eg texts, emails, letters as are available and we prepare the statement along with the application for you.
If you require urgent advice or assistance please call Winston Brown on 020 8858 5996 or 07894219314 or email at